03 November 2023 Friday. 00:24:11 UTC
BoomChange - "Boomchange.com" & "Boomchange.io"
I am writing to complain about the phishing domain "Boomchange.com" which has been used to scam individuals of their cryptocurrencies. The website is designed to deceive victims into believing it is a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange company. However, it is a fraudulent website that was set up to gain access to victims’ wallets and steal their cryptocurrencies.
The website lists no physical address and no registration number.
This phishing website has stolen a significant amount of Bitcoin from unsuspecting victims. They have used the newly identified bitcoin wallet address "bc1qr0avgajde8y37qadrtjd4vt6sdvl9dgq7j6ckj" to transfer the stolen bitcoin from the Boomchange victims.
More detail about the SCAM platform Boomchange: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5454622.0